Honeywell Rückspülfilter FN74CS-1A
Scope of supply / equipment: - Honeywell Rückspülfilter
- To travesty Qualtiät
- Material: Art material
- Of the fine filters filters rust parts, hemp leftovers and sandy punches
- Waagrechter and vertical installation possibly
- DVGW-checked
- Connection module nich Tim Lieferumfang
- Work number: FN74CS-1A
Technical information: - Filter achievement: 1000 microns
- Suitable for water
- Test pressure: PN 16
- Working pressure: 1.5 bar to 16 bars
- Form: Up to 12 bars permanently
- Max temperature: 30°C
- Flow achievement: 2.3 m ³ / H to 4.0 m ³ / H