Activity record Twinline 30 for Geberit Unterputzspülkästen till the end of 2001
Scope of supply / equipment:
- Geberit activity record Twinline
- 2-Mengen-Spültechnik
- Material: Art out of vision
- For activity from the front
- Size: 340 mms x 185 mms
- Color: white alpine or seidenglanz-verchromt
- Suitable for Geberit Spülkästen of the series Duet-fixed Purely, Combination-fixed Purely and Geberit UP-Spülkästen till the end of 2001
- Also suitably for the rebuilding in connection with the water savings sets of Geberit (240.835.001 and 240.515.002)
Not suitably for Geberit Unterputzspülkästen Artline, UP320, UP300, UP200 and UP100