REMS Press tongs TH 32
Scope of supply / equipment:
- Rems Presszange
- Presskontur: TH
- Suitably for pipe external diameter: 32 mm
- Guarantee 12 months
Suitable for the following pipe systems:
- House Marke TH 32
APE Raccordi a pressare, BAMPI BALPED, BAMPI BALPEX, BRASSTECH, Brass Press Aluplast, BUCCHI tech MP, ClouSet Press, Comap Multiskin gas, Comap Sudopress Skin, Comap Sudopress Skin gas COMISA COMISA-PRESS, Cosmo Connect, Dalpex LaserMultiDalpex, Dalpex LaserMultiInox, Dianorm HKS Sitec Press, DIWAflex system, EGEDA Comisa, EMPUR PEXPRESS, eurotherm multistrato Euro2000, FAR Rubinetterie PRESSFAR, gabo Systemtechnik, GAROS, General fittings, General-Flex Press 5900, Giacomini RP multistrato,, Global Plastic,
GIACOFLEX, GIACOTHERM, Global Plastic, Roth Apress, GS heat systems, system TH, HAGOS, HakaGerodur, HAKASAN, Harden 2000 Poly-Pex Pipefix 2000 Harden 2000 Plastic-Press, Henco, heart, HITEC Sistema Multistrato, IDROSISTEMI TA-PRESS, IPAIPANA- Press, IPALPEX (Industrie du Plastique et Accessories) IVAR ILF (leakage Function) Jaraflex-Press system KAN-therm, KM EUROPA METAL (KME), Q-tec, KuBuS, Lagerstedt & Krantz LK Universal, LAVAGRUND LAVA PRESS, Mark KG Polymark, Ma.s.ter system PRESSMASTER, MULTITHERM- PRESS sYSTEM, Nicoll MULTI PROJECT, NTM winny-al, Pavitherm MULTI STABLE, Pietro Ravani S.p.A. PRESS-Me, PIPELIFE- RADOPRESS, POLYSAN Handelsges. M.B.H. KG (Krems - Austria) POLYSAN press system, PRASKI BAVARIA-press, PURMO HKS Sitec Press, RIFENG TH PRESS FITTING (F9), Rubinetterie, Bresciane, Bonomi, TURBO PRESS, chateaux EUROPRESS SYSTEM, PROTECTIVE EHT Ropress, Seppelfricke Systemtechnik SST Delphi Press, SIKO TYPRO, TYROTHERM, Simplex SiRoCon, installation system TH, THERMAGAS Espace Espress, TIEMME COBRA PRESS, Tréfimétaux Qtec, Variotherm system TH, Viessmann, ViTrade VITerm, VSH flow Control Polypress, Watts MTR type press, Winkler, WKS-Press , ZEWOTHERM.
Further information to the product
The right material choice, the exact treatment and the special warm treatment are authoritatively for the long and sure function the REMS Presszangen. With the Pressvorgang necessary Presskräfte can originate in the Presszange up to 100 kN (10 t) which must be taken up by the Presszange certainly. Therefore, REMS Presszangen are made out of hammered and especially hardened special steel with high firmness. The respective Presskontur specific for system is trained - together with the necessary outside treatment of the Pressbacken and the marking of the Presskontur and pipe size - in an operation on treatment centers CNC highly exactly and by machine precisely ausgerundet. An ideal combination is reached by the special warm treatment of the Presszangen in own Härterei between firmness and toughness. This manufacturing process guarantees that the trained Presskontur transfers properly and with long life span on the Pressverbindung. On account of this high high-class standard system-compliant, sure Pressverbindungen with REMS Presszangen are produced worldwide a million times perfectly.